The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism
Lesson 19
The Fourth and Fifth And Sixth Commandments of God
Jesus obeyed and respected His parents
4th Commandment of God: Honor thy Father and thy Mother.
5th Commandment of God: Thou shalt not kill.
6th Commandment of God: Thou shalt not commit adultery.
We read in the Holy Bible:
He went down with them and came to Nazareth , and was obedient to them; and his mother kept all these things in her heart. (Luke 2, 51)
He humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2)
All power comes from God
God has all power on Heaven and on earth. He gives us a share in his power, or authority, to people on earth. He gives parents authority over there children. He gives rulers power over countries. We owe obedience to earthly power because it comes from God.
Jesus obeyed those in power
Our Lord obeyed First, His Heavenly Father. He said, “I have come down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent Me” (John 14, 31).
Jesus obeyed His parents on earth. He obeyed Mary, His Mother, Joseph, His foster father. He knew that His heavenly Father had given power, or authority, over Him. Jesus obeyed his parents in all things. That is what is meant by the words “and was subject to them.”
Jesus obeyed the earthly rulers. He knew that they would have no power except from God, His Father in Heaven. Pontius pilot, the Roman Governor of Palestine , “Do you know I have the power to crucify You, and that I have power to release You?” (John 19, 10).Our Lord replied “You would have no power over Me were it not given you from above” (John 19, 11). Jesus obeyed this authority, even to death on the cross.
Jesus is our model
Our Lord showed us the way of love and obedience. We must follow Him. He obeyed the Ten Commandments given to man by God the Father. We are learning in this lesson about the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Commandments. Let us follow Jesus in our obedience to them. Let us imitate Him in loving obedience to our parents, teachers, and all who have power from god over us.
When we obey, we are listening to the good shepherd
Practice: Do something more than you have to for God each Sunday. Make an extra visit, or do some reading about God or one of the Saints.
The Second Commandment
97. What is the second commandment of God?
2nd Commandment of God is: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
98. What are we commanded by the second commandment?
By the second commandment we are commanded always to speak with reverence of God, of the saints and of holy things.
A name is a word-picture of a person. We use the name of God and holy persons with respect.
99. What is meant by taking God’s name in vain?
By taking God’s name in vain is meant that the name of God or the holy name of Jesus Christ is used without reverence.
100. What is cursing?
Cursing is the calling down of some evil on a person, place, or thing.
The Third Commandment
101. What is the third commandment?
The third commandment of God is: Remember thou keep the Lords Day.
102. What are we commanded by the third commandment.
By the third commandment we are commanded to worship God in a special manner on Sunday, the Lord’s Day.
On Sunday we should give all the time we can to the thing s of God.
103. How does the Church command us to worship God on Sunday.
The Church command us to worship God on Sunday by assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
The Mass is our greatest act of worship. We offer it to our Father in Heaven.
104. What is forbidden by the third commandment of God?
By the third commandment of God all unnecessary servile work on Sunday is forbidden.
105. What is servile work?
Servile work is that which requires labor of the body rather than of the mind.
Necessary work is never forbidden.
Discussion Questions
- What is the second commandment of God?
- What is the third commandment of God?
- How can we honor God’s name?
- How can we keep Sunday holy?
- How did Our Lord keep the Sabbath holy?
Yes or No
- Was the synagogue a Jewish place of worship?
- Did Our Lord ever go to the synagogue?
- Was Saturday ever the Lord’s day?
- Do we have to go to Mass on Sunday?
- Is all servile work forbidden on Sunday?
Fill in the Blanks
- The Apostles changed the Lord’s day from ..……………… to ..........................
- The Lord’s day among the Jew was called the………………… .
- The second commandment tells us not to take the ……………. of .......................... in vain.
- The third commandment tells us to keep ................... the Lord’s day.
- Our best way to worship God on Sunday is by going to ................................
Other Readings from the Bible.
1. What Our Lord said about swearing, Matthew 5, 33-37.
2. What He said about cursing, or wishing evil on another, Matthew 5, 21-24.
3. What He said to those who did not show proper respect in Church, Matthew 21, 12-13.
Class Liturgical Action
Learn to say the Divine Praises in honor of God and His Holy Ones.
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