The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism
Lesson 13
The Communion of Saints The Forgiveness of Sins
The early Christians shared all their possessions
“I believe in the… the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins…”
We read in the Holy Bible:
They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.
Awe came upon everyone, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.
All who believed were together and had all things in common;
they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one's need.
Christ’s followers shared all things
After Our Lord ascended into heaven, His followers continued to love Him and obey His teachings. They went to mass and received Holy Communion. This means this means they shared all their earthly and spiritual goods with one another.
The word “communion means “a sharing.” The more we love one another in Christ, the more we shall want to share our all with one another.
Besides sharing the things we can see, we shall also want to share what we cannot see. That is all the graces and spiritual riches God has given us. The more we love one another the more we will share in the graces and spiritual riches that God has given every one of us. This sharing is the “communion of saints.”
We can help those in spiritual need by our prayers, especially the souls in purgatory. And we can be helped by the prayers of others.
The outward sign of sharing
The sign of our wish to share is the taking of the Holy Communion together. Eating at the same table together is a sign of friendship. Partaking of the Eucharist at Gods table is a sign that we love God and that we love one another.
Practice: imitate the first followers of Christ by sharing all things with one another
76. What is meant by “the communion of saints” in the Apostles Creed?
By “the communion of saints” is meant the union of the faithful on earth, the blessed in heaven, and the souls in purgatory, with Christ as their Head.
The word “saints” means “holy ones.” Baptism gives us the beginning of holiness and heaven is for those who are perfectly holy.
77. What is meant in the Apostles Creed by “the forgiveness of sins”?
By “the forgiveness of sins” in the Apostles Creed is meant that God has given to the Church, through Jesus Christ, the power to forgive sins. Jesus gave this power to His Apostles. It has been handed down through the years to the priests of the Church today. This great power will be explained more fully in lesson 29.
Discussion Questions
1. What did the early Christians do with their possessions?
2. Why did they do this?
3. Why do we normally receive Holy Communion together at Mass?
True or False
1. Christ gave the Apostles power to forgive sin.
2. The priests today do not have this power.
3. The “communion of saints” is a union only of those in heaven.
Fill in the Blanks
1. God gave to his church the power to forgive sins ………… sins.
2. The “communion of saints” is the…………of all in heaven, in purgatory and on earth.
3. The early followers of Christ…………their earthly and spiritual goods.
Other Readings From the Bible
1. We all share in the Church, the body of Christ, 1 Corinthians 12, 12-26.
2. We show our unity and our desire to share by receiving Holy Communion together,1 Corinthians 10, 16-17
Class Liturgical Action
One day should be designated as a day for the class to receive Communion together. Allowances could be made for those who do not care to do so.
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