Friday, September 20, 2002

The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism Lesson 20 The Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Commandments of God

The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism

Lesson 20
The Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Commandments of God
When we are generous with others we lay up treasures of love in Heaven
7th Commandment of God: Thou shalt not steal.
8th Commandment of God: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
9th Commandment of God: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors’ wife.
10th Commandment of God: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors’ goods.

We read in the Holy Bible:
            And he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass. Taking 5 the five loaves and           the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds.
            They all ate and were satisfied, and they picked up the fragments left over 6 --     twelve wicker baskets full.
            Those who ate were about five thousand men, not counting women and children.
How to lay up heavenly treasures
            We must follow the example of Jesus, our Good Shepherd. He could have had all the riches of the world, for He was God. But He wanted to be poor. He was born in a poor stable in Bethlehem. He grew up in the poor town of Nazareth. He was the son of a poor carpenter. When He left home to do the work for which He came to earth, He had no money, He lived in poverty. And He died naked on the Cross after the soldiers had taken away His poor clothing.

Trust in Our Lord
            If we trust in Our Lord and work hard, He will give us what we need. We can be very selfish with what God has given us. Or we can be very generous. If we are generous with what God has given us, we shall be piling up treasures in heaven. Each generous act is like a jewel we send ahead of us to heaven. It is a jewel we send to God. It represents our love for Him. Let us share our toys, games, books, clothes, and other things with brothers and sisters. Let us not get angry if things get broken or lost. Remember they are only possessions of earth. We must be generous with what belongs to us, and not take what belongs to others.

Practice: giving whatever you can to make them happy

The Seventh Commandment
115. What is the 7th commandment of God?
            The 7th Commandment of God is: Thou shalt not steal.
116. What are we commanded by the 7th commandment?
            By the 7th commandment we are commanded to respect what belongs to others.

117. What does the 7th commandment forbid?
            The 7th commandment forbids all dishonesty, such as stealing, cheating, unjust     keeping of what belongs to others, and unjust damage to property of others.
                        We must not take anything belonging to another and keep it for are own. We must not destroy or damage on purpose what belongs to others.
                        We must not cheat. This means that we must not copy answers from            someone else in the classroom. And we must be fair when playing with others.
118. Are we obliged to restore the owner stolen goods, or there value?
            We are obliged to restore the owner stolen goods, or there value, whenever we are able.
The Eighth Commandment
119. What is the 8th commandment?
            The 8th commandment of God is: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy      neighbor.
                        “To bear false witness” means to lie about our neighbor. Our Lord said, “I     am... the truth.” If we claim to love Our Lord and follow Him, we must always tell the             truth.

120. What are we commanded by the 8th commandment.
            By the 8th commandment we are commanded to speak the truth in all things
121. What does the 8th commandment forbid?
            The 8th commandment forbids lies and harming the name of another.

The Ninth Commandment
101. What is the 9th commandment?
            The 9th commandment of God is: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors’ wife.
102. What are we commanded by the third commandment.
            By the third commandment we are commanded to worship God in a special        manner on Sunday, the Lord’s Day.
            On Sunday we should give all the time we can to the thing s of God.
103. How does the Church command us to worship God on Sunday?
            The Church commands us to worship God on Sunday by assisting at the Holy         Sacrifice of the Mass.
            The Mass is our greatest act of worship. We offer it to our Father in Heaven.
104. What is forbidden by the third commandment of God?
            By the third commandment of God all unnecessary servile work on Sunday is             forbidden.
105. What is servile work?
            Servile work is that which requires labor of the body rather than of the mind.
            Necessary work is never forbidden.
The Tenth Commandment
101. What is the third commandment?
            The third commandment of God is: Remember thou keep the Lords Day.
102. What are we commanded by the third commandment.
            By the third commandment we are commanded to worship God in a special        manner on Sunday, the Lord’s Day.
                        On Sunday we should give all the time we can to the thing s of God.
103. How does the Church command us to worship God on Sunday.
            The Church command us to worship God on Sunday by assisting at the Holy          Sacrifice of the Mass.
            The Mass is our greatest act of worship. We offer it to our Father in Heaven.
104. What is forbidden by the third commandment of God?
            By the third commandment of God all unnecessary servile work on Sunday is             forbidden.
105. What is servile work?
            Servile work is that which requires labor of the body rather than of the mind.
            Necessary work is never forbidden.

Discussion Questions
  1. What is the second commandment of God?
  2. What is the third commandment of God?
  3. How can we honor God’s name?
  4. How can we keep Sunday holy?
  5. How did Our Lord keep the Sabbath holy?

Yes or No
  1. Was the synagogue a Jewish place of worship?
  2. Did Our Lord ever go to the synagogue?
  3. Was Saturday ever the Lord’s day?
  1. Do we have to go to Mass on Sunday?
  2. Is all servile work forbidden on Sunday?

Fill in the Blanks
1.      The Apostles changed the Lord’s day from ..……………… to ..........................
2.      The Lord’s day among the Jew was called the………………… .
3.      The second commandment tells us not to take the ……………. of .......................... in vain.
4.      The third commandment tells us to keep ................... the Lord’s day.
5.      Our best way to worship God on Sunday is by going to ................................

Other Readings from the Bible.
1.      What Our Lord said about swearing, Matthew 5, 33-37.
2.      What He said about cursing, or wishing evil on another, Matthew 5, 21-24.
3.      What He said to those who did not show proper respect in Church, Matthew 21, 12-13.

Class Liturgical ActionLearn to say the Divine Praises in honor of God and His Holy Ones.

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