Tuesday, September 10, 2002

The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism Lesson 10 The Virtues and Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism

Lesson 10
The Virtues and Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit gives the strength to carry our crosses

We read in the Holy Bible:
Romans 8, 14-17


The Holy Spirit fills us with power
            The Holy Spirit is the breath of God.  God has breathed into us His life of love to make us His children.  Since we are His children His home of heaven is now our home.  God wants us to stay here only till we have learned how to love perfectly.  He sends us our daily crosses so that we can walk in the footsteps of love after Christ, our Good Shepherd.  It is the Holy Spirit Who gives us the power to carry these crosses and even to love them.

The powers of the Holy Spirit make our souls strong
            The powers He gives us are like muscles in our soul.  The chief powers are faith, hope, and charity.  He also gives us seven special gifts to make our crosses easier.  By these gifts the Holy Spirit even changes our likes and dislikes.  If we accept the things God wants of us, even when they are hard, the Holy Spirit will come to make them easy.  Then we will know what Our Lord meant when He said, “My yoke is easy and My burden light” (Matthew 11, 30).


Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit abiding in you.


59. What are the chief powers that are given to us with sanctifying grace?
The chief powers that are given to us with sanctifying grace are the three theological virtues and the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.

60. What are the three theological virtues?
            The three theological virtues are faith, hope, and charity.

61. What is faith?
Faith is the virtue by which we firmly believe on the word of God all the truths He has revealed.
     Faith means we believe all Christ teaches us through His Church.

62. What is hope?
Hope is the virtue by which we firmly trust that God will give us eternal happiness and the means to obtain it.
                 Hope means that we trust God to care for all our needs.
63. What is charity?
Charity is the virtue by which we love God above all things for His own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God.
                 Charity is love of God.  “The charity of God is poured forth in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, Who has been given to us (Romans 5, 5).

64. Which are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

Each of these gifts is explained in the Dictionary / Index.

Discussion Questions
1.                              Who sends the Holy Spirit into our hearts?
2.                              With what does He fill us?
3.                              How does He teach us to love the Father?
4.                              How does the Holy Spirit change us inside?
5.                              What do we have to be willing to do in order for Him to change us?

Yes or No
1.                              Do faith, hope, and charity come from the Holy Spirit?
2.                              Is fear of the Lord a theological virtue?
3.                              Is charity love of God and our neighbor?
4.                              Does hope make us believe all that God has revealed?
5.                              By faith do we believe only what we want to believe?

Fill in the Blanks
1.                                                      The three theological virtues are given to us by the ………… ................. .
2.                                                      .………….. is the virtue by which we believe in God.
3.                                                      .………….. is the virtue by which we trust in God.
4.                                                      The virtue by which we love God and our neighbor is called .................... .
5.                                                      There are …………… gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Other Readings from the Bible
            1.  The actions of the Holy Spirit             Galatians 5: 16-25 and Romans 8

Class Liturgical Action
Recite together the Proper of the Mass for Pentecost.

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